Stephen Vogt

Catcher Stephen Vogt of the Oakland Athletics bats left, throws right, and is currently batting a sweet .319. A three-time MLB Organization All-Star, Vogt took a few moments before stepping into a game to share his thoughts on yoga with _PRACTICE.  The next day, Vogt hit a two-run homer, helping to lift his team into another victory, further securing the A's first place post in Major League Baseball.    
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I started doing yoga in the winter of 2011 to increase mobility and endurance.  

It has allowed for more fluid movements and for increased mobility and quickness –

both at the plate and in the field.  

It helps to control my breathing while making quick movements and staying calm in tense moments.

It really has made a difference for me.

 Sun salutations and hip openers allow me to loosen my hips and breathe deep into a pose.

My favorite is Happy Baby because it allows my hips to release. 

No matter your level (at yoga) in the beginning – you can always improve. 

It keeps you motivated.